Video Editing

Sep 14, 2017

I inherited a project where videos were imported onto slides and shapes were layered over the videos. The person timed the video to position the shapes (arrows, text boxes etc). Now I need to clean up the lesson. Is there a way to play a video in storyline so you don't have to time the video separately before you insert shapes and markers then preview and time it again until the shapes are where you want them? I would like to run the videos and stop them at various points to edit them without taking the video clip out of Articulate and into another software program if possible.

1 Reply
Nicole Legault

Hey Judy, 

Thanks for posting your question here in the community. Sometimes it can be so tricky opening up someone elses file and starting off with existing content that you then have to decipher...

Have you considered using cue points to pause your video or to time when you need to add contextual information? Here's a few articles and tutorials that might help you:  

Use Cue points to pause a video in 3 easy steps

How to use cue points to trigger animations

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