Which LMS works best with Articulate storyline

Jun 20, 2012

Hi everone,

My company is looking for an eLearning solution for existing non system related courses (eg. employee induction,compliance etc) as well as role specific training for the  new CRM software we have launched.

We want software simulations explaining different customer scenarios via eLearning.

I need some suggestions about  which authoring tool and LMS will be the best.

Something easy and simple to use and implement for the start.

I have heard that Articulate Storyline is great.But not sure if its the right one and which LMS to buy with it.

I was looking for one which is not expensive, offers great reporting and course distribution options and is easy to use and install.Also the users we are liiking to cater are about 200-250.

Please give any suggestions you have and how to start.



29 Replies
Jeanette Brooks

Hey Amanda! Have you checked out Articulate Online? It's our hosted service which allows you to upload any Articulate-published content, and then track and report on your learners' progress and results. If you do all of your authoring with Articulate products, Articulate Online is a great choice because it's super easy to use and includes a lot of intuitive reports, plus the option to create custom reports. And it could handle your 250 users with no problem. You're welcome to download the free trial and give it a test run! 

Nick Moffitt

Hi Amanda,

Capterra (http://www.capterra.com/learning-management-system-software) has comparative information on over 250 LMS vendors. I gave them my requirements and they put me in touch with 6 vendors they thought would fit my needs. Their site also has controls that allow you to filter solutions according to your needs, so you can do your own research. There's no charge, and not all the referrals were to companies that paid for sponsored links. We ended up choosing Inquisiq R3 (SaaS), and are using SCORM so that we have the flexibility to move to another vendor, if necessary.

Good luck,


sridevi kannan

Hi, AJ LMS is the best free Learning Management System & is designed for any education formations from small distance training companies up to big colleges and universities. The system allows to build courses, import SCORM content, deploy online learning, manage users, communicate with users, track training results, and more. Start Your own e-learning portal with AJ LMS.

Tomáš Rezler

As you've already wrote, it's very hard question, because everybody wants to spent his money as well as possible. In this case I can share you my best experiences with http://www.Training-Online.eu. I used in the university and now I use it in my own company to educate employees.

The greatest aspect of this E-learning platform is that you don’t have to pay any fixed monthly fees and there is no initial investments. That means you pay only for assignment to the course. Despite this the quality of the services is really high.

I’m sure that the thing you’ll appreciate the most is the security. – All data are here kept in full security and if you’re not an authorized user with access to the e-Learning Management System, you’ve no chance to go there.

I hope it’ll help you to make good decision.

Anna Barsk Holmbom

Hi everybody! 
Tomas - thanks for that name. Do you know if there is support for other languages? I need my LMS to support swedish so my customers meet a page in Swedish when they login.
Today I use Tictac in Sweden but there is so much I´m not satisfied with. What I need is a system that allow a large amount of people, belonging to different companys, to login with a password, do one or more courses, get a diploma and then I want to take out statistics for each company. Someone that use Storyline for something like that?

Alex Arathoon

Hi all, I am developing training content using Articulate for global distribution but we are having significant buffering issues using Litmos which makes the content unusable. We are based in Australia and have been informed that due to our location this is a common issue. I wish our sales consultant had informed us earlier in the process! Our modules will be used in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Ireland.

I'm looking for recommendations for either a) a LMS with CDN hosting or b) an LMS that I can host on a cloud service. The LMS must be simple and easy to use with no significant modification and theming. Our deployment must happen at the end of Feb. We like Litmsos as it is very user friendly and is not complicated after all, we are just using it to deliver our modules and assessments. We also need groups or teams as each country/dept will have their own courses. Any help appreciated!

Tuck Crocker

Alex --- we use Litmos as our global LMS and we are quite happy with it -- including 23 language support, although we are (im)patiently waiting for Arabic. The "Team" functions are quite good, and if you're organized, you can develop a very sophisticated model. Storyline 2 is quite compatible, and we use it for all of our course development. Right now we use Litmos to offer 40 courses to about 532 users around the world.

Anna Barsk Holmbom

I try again and see if anyone can help me find the best lms that works together with storyline. Here is what I need:
I make severel courses and sell to a lot of companys. The companys can buy one or more courses for all their stuff but they can also decide that some employees is going to do one course and som other persons will do other courses.

When I put in a new user in the system I want to be able to tell when the first reminder is going to be send and then I want it to be sent automaticly at that date if the person has´nt done the course.
I want to be able to decide the text in the reminder.
I want to decide that reminders should be sent on and on again until the person has done the course. Of cause without me having to do something.
I want to be able to set how many reminders that should be sent before you give up.
I want to be able to decide different text in different reminders.
If a person is going to do more than one course it must be possible that remind that person in just one mail.
When you have reached the number of reminders that you have decide I want the person to be put as "none active". Automatic of course...
I want to be able to see statistics over when a person has got the invitation and how many reminders the system have sent.
I want to be able to see how many courses my users has done in total and by company.
I want to be able to send an extra reminder to all users in one course, regardless what company they belong to but I also want to be able to not choose some of the users. 
I want to be able to sent out statistics to all the companys that by courses for their stuff in a really simple way. One button that send correct statistics to all compays would be the dream. 

And of course I want my users to be able to do their courses on both smartphones, I pads and laptops.

And I probably have a lot of more I want but to start with...


Aniruddha Sathe

Hi Amanda, 

We at eNyota Learning help companies like yours to develop eLearning courses on various topics like employee induction, compliance, software training through simulations and scenarios etc. using clients preference of the platform to design & develop courses on like Articulate Storyline, Lectora etc.

We have been in the business of eLearning design & development from past 10 years now and have our very own LMS as well. Fully responsive & cloud based LMS platform.

I would be glad to have a quick web meeting with you to walk you through our capabilities and discuss how we can help you. If you could share your email we can connect and discuss further. 

Here is our website - www.enyotalearning.com

For our LMS - www.abaralms.com 



Aniruddha Sathe

Hi Anna,

I am happy to say we can help you.

Our LMS is known as Abara LMS - fully cloud based and fully responsive.

Yes we can help you with an LMS under the below context:

-   You can be our LMS partner, the 1st one to be in Sweden.
-   Suggest our LMS to your clients & others. (every successful sign up will include              commission/revenue sharing).
-   We can provide the system in Swedish free for you or on a shared cost basis.

Let me know your thoughts and I will be happy to schedule an online demo of our LMS.



UK - +44 0203 701 9567

US - +1 518-618-0700

Aniruddha Sathe

Hi Alex, 

Our proprietary LMS is a cloud based hosted solution which is hosted on Amazon cloud and we would be glad to walk you through a demo of the system and showcase how we can help you resolve issues regarding performance and course rendering speed. To further resolve the bandwidth and speed issue we would host the system for you on Amazon Sydney datacentre which is the closest proximity which will certainly improve the performance of the system . 

Please let me know if we can connect sometime over a web meeting where we can walk you through the demo of our LMS and discuss next steps. 

Aniruddha Sathe

Hello Anna,

I have highlighted below few features of Abara LMS for your further reference.

  • 100 % cloud based: Our LMS is 100% cloud based platform hosted via Amazon Web Servers with ample of storage. Easy to Setup & unlimited user bandwidth.
  • Mobile 1st approach: 100% responsive across devices.
  • Custom branding: The platform will be white labelled under your branding guild lines with capability of creating separate portals for each client or organisation.
  • Assessment, Gamification & Leader boards: You can add assessment, gamification for your users tracking and also give badges & certificates.
  • Reporting: A comprehensive reporting & tracking of user behaviour is available in our system
  • E-Commerce: If you wish to sell the courses it has e-commerce capability and you can add and manager discount coupons.

For the details you can visit - https://www.abaralms.com/

Let me know if you have any queries.

Cheers !


Kamy Anderson

Hi Amanda,

Speaking from the user perspective, I would say ProProfs LMS is the best elearning platform. You should definitely check out this cloud LMS software as it is free and easy to use. It is capable of meeting the requirements of the new age learners.

Since I have been using this software for more than 2 years now, hence I say that it is highly intuitive for trainers and learners with an easy-to-navigate system, automated features and streamlined processes that ensure easy to create courses without no HTML skills or special training. This enterprise-grade LMS will allow you to create customized and robust courses with a simple ‘drag and drop’ feature 5 times faster.

It allows the users to create courses, ensure grading and certifying learners is hassle free and smooth. In fact, you can also make money by easily selling the training materials and manuals online to those who may be interested. ProProfs LMS is easy to set up and implement, I would say it is the most efficient platform for enterprises that are keen to strengthen their employee training, educational set ups that are engaged in the creation and disbursement of online courses and tests and also individuals who want to boost their income by sharing and selling their elearning content.

Here are some of the key features of ProProfs LMS -

1. Easy to protect courses and training materials with secure password and privacy control
2. In-depth reports of completed, pending and in progress attempts for every user.
3. Since it is web-based, hence no need to worry about installations or server integration
4. Quickly create courses that are compatible across varied devices (tablets, smartphones) and operating systems.
5. Flexible and scalable LMS that will meet your company’s requirements.
6. Host courses with ProProfs or even tailor the design and embed on your website.
7. Manage learners tension free
8. Issue report cards
9. Capture information of learners

The best thing about ProProfs LMS is that it is affordable and won’t burn a hole in your pocket, I would suggest that you use the premium version of ProProfs LMS free of cost for a 15-day trial period for a better understanding. "

For more Details about ProPorfs LMS: http://www.proprofs.com/training/lms-software/

John roberts

Hello Amanda,

Articulate allows the content to be exported in SCORM format which can then be uploaded on the LMS. Beetsol LMS allows you to upload Articulate content very easily. Simply publish the content as Scorm 1.2 or 2004 and upload the zip file into a course on Beetsol - that's it ! Hope this helps.



Alex Kluew

Hey John, would you care to elaborate some more on shortcomings of Docebo please? Which issues that are making you re-evaluate?

We have looked at Articulate Online and while it seems pretty much what we need, it lacks one major requirement that puts a wall and that is localization. We need it to work in English and French.

To our surprise Docebo seems to do everything AO does and it has localization in different languages. So we are currently in communication with Docebo team to onboard and make Storyline work.

At this current stage, there isn't clear documentation on how to make Tin Can Api work with Docebo. Articulate Online really makes this seamless. Just wish localization was available.

