Forum Discussion

FaizanMohiuddin's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

64-bit Storyline 360

It's March 2022. How far along is the 64-bit version of Storyline 360? Storyline 360 is a 32-bit software that cost $1500 a year. A 64-bit will reduce preview times because more memory is accessed than the 4gb cap with the current 32-bit Storyline 360. Here is my video showcasing Storyline is 32-bit:

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. A 64-bit version of Storyline 360 has been one of our most commonly requested updates in E-Learning Heroes. Our community has been vocal and we are listening. It is my pleasure to share some great news with you! A 64-bit version of Storyline 360 is in the works!  We are currently in the internal testing process and more work has to be done including creating an installer, deploying infrastructure, and a lot more testing and validation. Check out this post for more details.

  • Both 64bit version and a MAC version been requested for more then 10 years and not on the roadmap of Articulate :-(

    Let us hope they make Storyline2025 a Webbased version then both issues tackled.

    • JoeFrancis's avatar
      Community Member

      Ooh, but look! We have interactive 360° images! Nevermind some of us were doing that with QuickTime VR in Macromedia Director better than 2-1/2 decades ago, knowing then that the target audience was going to be extremely limited. 🙄

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. A 64-bit version of Storyline 360 has been one of our most commonly requested updates in E-Learning Heroes. Our community has been vocal and we are listening. It is my pleasure to share some great news with you! A 64-bit version of Storyline 360 is in the works!  We are currently in the internal testing process and more work has to be done including creating an installer, deploying infrastructure, and a lot more testing and validation. Check out this post for more details.

  • The requests for this feature go back over 10 years... is it really possible that no headway has been made?

    64bit should be the standard, not the stand-alone.

  • Its March 2023, and still, there isnt a 64-bit Storyline 360.
    Still not even in the roadmap. 

    Licenses are not cheap - but the product feels cheap, what with all the crashes and memory overflow issues with saving, and lack of Multi-threading during export. 

    Takes ~65 minutes to export a project with 650+ slides, all with images and text-to-speech  voiceovers. Most of the export time (around 45 minutes) is spent encoding audio files - the CPU usage is ~3% . WHERE is the optimisation? 

    ALSO - did I mention that it takes 5-6 minutes to just SAVE the project everytime?

  • July 2023 - WOW. I did not know this was an issue or what it exactly meant, but now that I do... I'm having problems saving and I have loads of memory that it can apparently NOT access. It's taking me the same 5-6 minutes to save too. This is disheartening and crazy. Why won't Articulate fix this issue it has known about for years? It also makes me extremely angry that we are paying a HUGE price for a program that is starting to look like it is not worth it. I'm definitely going to start looking in to alternative options. Why keep a program that isn't keeping up?

  • As a production lead trying to ensure project delivery across 70+ eLearning modules in a year, it is increasingly difficult to deal with Storyline integrations. 

    It takes longer due to the bugs and glitches.

    It takes longer due to the 32 bit memory and slow saves

    When you reach a certain amount of layers on a given slide, the program starts crawling, taking seconds to register mouse clicks.

    If a client no longer needs anything extra that Storyline can provide, I have started switching to iSpring. It's a shame iSpring has no visited states, but it takes a fraction of the time to implement now compared to Storyline.

    It's a shame. Storyline has a lot of promise but the lack of road map or lack of listening to their client base for something as simple as 64 bit that's basically become a standard for everything

  • I agree. My entire team has a 64gb ram system and integrating in ispring is a breeze, but not storyline.


    Undo sometimes undoes several things and you can't redo.

    Copy pasting elements sometimes changes its properties and stroke thickness.

    The storyline export looks nicer now than an ispring one, but integrating in storyline is more of a hassle than ispring due to all the random glitches that I think are tied to the 32bit limit.


    It is clear that articulate wants to be the monopoly of the eLearning rapid authoring tool game, but, can you please find a way for us to utilize our systems? Most of us have a lot of ram that can't be used and stability in larger projects with layers and 200 plus slides are brutal to work in. 

  • Hi John,

    Thank you for sharing. I'll be very eager to test this out. We have strong systems with 64 g of ram and when Storyline starts crawling to a halt or runs into memory issues and pressing one "undo" accidentally undo's more than 1, it adds a level of complexity and frustration.

    This will be a very welcome addition.