Forum Discussion
black intro slide to Storyline block for Rise
I am getting a black thumbnail slide with a play button and the wrong title on my published review item.
I tried adding a slide as was the advice in the community discussion but then I had issues with the audio.
The title on the slide is the original storyline file name but I did a 'save as' a few days ago and changed the name so I knew I was working on the updated version without losing my old version. I published from the new title version in storyline.
Help please
- SamHillSuper Hero
Hi there, just a side note. The tag you added to this was RISE 360, which means it can take a bit longer for your issue to get in front of the right set of eyes.
You will get the black slide with the play button when a user enters a slide that has audio on it. This can happen either because you have audio on the first slide of the module, or a user is returning to a bookmarked location in the module, that has audio.
Avoid audio on the first slide so that users don't see this as the first slide. In order for audio to play throughout the rest of the module, the module must have at least one interaction from the user. If the first slide has audio, the user has not yet clicked the module, and the audio cannot auto play, and so Storyline displays this play button to address the issue. One at least one users interaction has been recorded by the module audio/video can then auto play.
This is a policy enforced by browsers to prevent audio/video playing automatically on webpages.
The course title can be changed by going to the Player properties. Even if not used in the player, you still need to enable the title, update it and then disable again if not using. The title defined here is used as the publish name, SCORM properties and in Review 360 too.
- PaulaNeumanCommunity Member
Thank you for that explanation re: black slide and audio issues. I have tried adding an initial duplicate slide without audio with a minimum timeline and set the jump to next slide when timeline ends. On the second slide I've added the audio and it works in the Storyline preview but it doesn't when I upload it from Review 360 into Rise 360 and preview it there. Also the black screen shows up when I preview in phone and tablet format but not computer format.
- SamHillSuper Hero
The user needs to click something. If you have the slide auto navigate to the next slide, the user isn't clicking and so you have the same issue. Have a button on the first slide that the user has to select to continue. For example, the first slide could contain information regarding audio being in the module and warn the user to check their volume and wear a headset, and ask the user to select the Continue button when ready.