Forum Discussion
Black Lines Around Storyline Block In Rise
- 3 months ago
Hi Jordan,
I'm happy to chime in! I understand you see black lines after clicking Submit in the Storyline block.
I appreciate you sharing the Storyline course. I was able to remove the black lines by changing how the sublayers are presented from Dialog to Layer. Presenting them as Dialog layers make them smaller than the base layer and dim everything else in the slide, which explains the black lines. Please see the screenshot below:
Here's a share link to my sample Rise course for your reference. I've also attached a copy of the revised Storyline file.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions.
It is a very nice interaction, thanks for sharing
I copy it in a Rise module to be used in a Smartphone screen size but didn't work:
always remains as it is, do you have any tips to share to fix this situation?
Hi SantiagoFran609!
I just replied to your other post, here!