Forum Discussion

LeahBublitz-170's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Branching Scenario Repeat with Additional Information

I'd like to find a way for a learner to go back through a branching scenario a second or third time, but this time with an informative sidebar that wasn't available the first time through.

The idea is that the learner goes through the scenario once, making choices as themselves.  The second time through the same scenario, they select a persona and try to make choices as that persona. So then as they go through the exact same choices, they see a sidebar or popup with that persona's picture and guiding values. Everything else remains the same.

I know that I could do this by just duplicating the original branching path and adding the graphic, but there are 27 final destinations and we're planning to use three personas, so the file would be so unwieldy to work with.

Is there a simpler way I could do this?

  • The short answer: Yes, with variables and conditional triggers. 

    Slightly longer answer: Create a variable to track which persona is being used. I suggest using a Text variable, so you can set its value as a meaningful name, such as "self," "Ralph" "Susan," etc. (or whatever names you've given them). The default value would be "self," since they make choices as themselves on the first pass. 

    Adjust the variable when they select another persona.

    On the slides of the scenario, include triggers that show appropriate persona content based on the value of the variable. The easiest would probably be to put each persona on its own layer. So, for example, there'd be a trigger that shows layer "Ralph" with the condition that the variable = "Ralph." Another trigger would show layer "Susan" with the condition that the variable = "Susan." 

  • I'm thinking you could use a variable. The Each slide would have the persona built in, but would not show until the variable changed. The last slide would add 1 to the variable and return to the fist slide in the scenario. When the learner went through it a second time the persona would show because a trigger would show if the variable = 1.  

    Just the start, I'm sure this is going to take a lot of work.