Forum Discussion

RISE1's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Chrome v83

It seems the latest version of Chrome (v83) may not be working with RISE SCORMs. When you close the browser, the session does not close properly, and progress, time, grades, or anything else is lost.

Is this happening to someone else? Maybe it is an already adressed problem?

Thank you very much!

  • Hi folks,

    We're seeing this issue in some LMSs, especially older versions of Moodle. However, we aren't able to reproduce this behavior in all LMS environments. We are working to determine if we can make a change to the output that will help. Thank you for sharing what environment you're working in, and the behavior you see.

  • Hi everyone. Thank you for giving us some time to explore this issue.

    Chrome has deprecated a technology that was used by many LMSs to allow a course to communicate back to the LMS when the course window is closed. If your LMS hasn't upgraded their system, or if you're using an older version of your LMS that doesn't include an update to address this change, the course cannot communicate progress or completion properly. This causes learners to start over from the beginning instead of resuming a course or recording completion after they close the browser window.

    Please reach out to your LMS and find out if they have released an update to address the Chrome changes. If you need support from us with the technical details, please let us know by starting a case with us here.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Christian, look at the post right above yours from Crystal.

    This is not a Rise issue, as it's caused by changes to the Chrome browser that causes it to no longer correctly communicate SCORM results back to some LMS's.

    Your vendor needs to update their LMS to use a different communication method to get completion information from Chrome at the end of a learner's session.

  • Hello Articulate Community, 

    So now I have received many users who are complaining that their course progress are lost after spending 2-3 hours in our courses. 

    Is there a way for me to manually mark certain sections/topics complete for them, so that they can go back to the course and to the section where they left off... in Rise

    We need a solution for this quickly... our LMS has more than 90000 users...! Help 

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Gracie,

    Whether or not you can mark certain sections/topics complete for students, depends on your specific LMS, as this is where you need to do this.

    In the LMS used by our organization, I can only manually mark an entire course as complete, and not certain parts of it.

  • MichaelBauer's avatar
    Community Member

    Hoping this can get sorted ASAP as we are manually having to mark regulatory courses as complete for our learners in our SuccessFactors LMS ready for an audit. For years we have been telling our learners to use Chrome instead of the company-standard IE, to now turn around and tell them to use IE in case they don't click Exit (which is inconveniently placed right next to the broswer X ... one slip, click the wrong one, and all progress is lost).

  • What is the current status and solution for this issue?  We're having daily reports of the same issue with accurate completion status when launched in Success Factors.  We started with TinCan, and when issues started coming in we published via SCORM and same issues persist. At this point we're considering setting a new standard to eliminate Rise from our choices of development software and are beginning to convert Rise courses to Storyline.  As an ISD group, we have no control over which browser a learner uses to launch the course.  What further work has Articulate done to prevent this issue in it's Rise product line?

    • CNavarro's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Sharon, I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your learner's progress. Have you reached out to your Success Factor's support team? The issue occurred when Google Chrome underwent some changes, and this caused problems with communicating with some LMS'. Does the issue also happen in other browsers?