Forum Discussion
Co-Owners for Rise Courses
Hi all,
Is it possible to assign a co-owner to a course?
I'm interested in setting up Rise so that multiple team members can currently have permission to edit and export a course.
- JamesMorris-d85Community Member
This functionality is critical and should be standard. If we have a team of designers and one is out, we need the ability to still access and export content.
Hello Ben and James,
We are tracking a request to allow publish rights to collaborators and it sounds like this is what you are looking for as well.
I'm adding this conversation to the report as we continue tracking.
You should now be subscribed so that we can update you here when we can.
- BenRodriguez-33Community Member
Awesome, Thank you.
- StevieRayEllisCommunity Member
Looks like most of these requests were a few months ago. Is it now possible to have multiple "co-owners" for projects in Rise and Articulate? If so how?
Hi Stevie,
Thanks for reaching out!
I don’t currently have any updates, but you are now subscribed to this conversation which means as we share updates here, you’ll automatically be notified.
- RobertLittrellCommunity Member
I would like to see this feature added as well!
Hello Robert and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)
Thanks for chiming in to share your thoughts as well.
By replying, you should now be subscribed to the thread so you will get notified when we have an update to share.
- KatherineLCommunity Member
I'd love to be kept posted on the progress for this update.
- MelissaRojas-ebCommunity Member
Please add me to this request., I would also like this implemented.
- PotterLi-297c87Community Member
I would like to see co-ownership or have permission for other users to export the module etc. If someone is off sick in the team, no one can export the content.
- PiotrBurchart-dCommunity Member
I would like to see this feature added as well!
- TashWagner-eae9Community Member
Yes this is something which is extremely important to us as well! If someone goes on leave, we would like other people in the team to be able to access and export the module.
Alternatively for team accounts, it would be good to have the option to choose whether the course is owned by the author or the team and therefore if it's by the team, anyone in the team can edit and export which is good if a colleague departs the company unexpectedly or ends up in hospital etc
- MartinIwinskiCommunity Member
I agree with everyone's comments. Our team developed several Rise modules and now only my profile can publish them and change the logos and settings. Would be nice to have co-owners or give more rights to collaborators.
- SilviaVogelCommunity Member
Yes, definitely agree with all the comments about extending permissions (co-owners/collaborators). I wonder if there is an ETA on this feature?
Hi Silvia,
No ETA yet, but we'll let you know as soon as we have more info!