Forum Discussion

DebbieMaclean's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Compulsory correct answers to drag and drop before next hotspot trigger actioned (multilayer) - Storyline 360


I have a slide in a learning module that requires participants to complete the drag and drop correctly before they are able to move on. This slide has multilayers showing when a selected response is correct or incorrect when dragged/dropped over the correct area of the picture.

Unfortunately, my next hot spot trigger is no longer working once the participant has dropped all correct responses on the right areas. 

The only way I have been able to fix this issue, is if I make it non-mandatory for the participant to get all/any responses correct, and therefore they can just click through the slide.

Can you please help me so that the next hot spot works once the participant has got all correct drag and drop features placed on the picture?

(sorry, as I am new to using this, I don't know how to download the slide as an attachment to show you)

  • You can use the Add attachment option and just add your .story file.  Unfortunately, without seeing how you set up the DragnDrop, the layers, and the hotspot, it is difficult to offer direction.

  • It looks like you just need to adjust your Drag and Drop Options so that the States change immediately

    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi, Debbie!

      Ron is correct. We had an issue where drag items weren't returning to the starting point when dropped on an incorrect target. I'm happy to share that we've implemented a fix in today's update, Build 3.89.32618.0.

      If this issue persists after updating, please let us know and we'll be happy to continue troubleshooting.

  • There is a current issue with Drag and Drops in Update 88.  The return behavior should work for you if you downgrade to Update 87