Forum Discussion
GSAP 3.5.1 ( latest version ) is now included in Storyline 360
Hi Math,
I have looked at your examples, but haven't really made any progress yet. Here my previous knowledge is simply not far enough.
I looked around in the Greensock forum and got the following hint:
window.onresize = () => {
timeline.progress(0) // go back to before the timeline progress has moved
gsap.killTweensOf( '.target' ) // kill ongoing tweens
// re-init your animation
// if you initially have a function that sets up your timeline, you can just called it here
But unfortunately it didn't help.
Could you show me how you would proceed using the attached example?
The system use vw (=viewportwidth) and vh (=viewportheight) I have unfortunately not yet understood correctly.
Many thanks!!!
Hi Stefan,
One solution for the position issue on resize i added here.