Forum Discussion

DavidHoward-e7a's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

How about training for independent ID's to transfer ownership of courses and other content to clients? (NON-TEAM MEMBERS)

Many of us A360 users are indie/freelance IDs and LXDs (who may not have Team subscriptions). In-house ID is shrinking.

We need to easily and seamlessly transfer ownership of content to an outside subscriber at the end of a project. Finding the how-to on that requires very specific search and multiple articles, ESPECIALLY the risks. Ask Lucy Soros, who recently had to help me get Articulate Engineering involved.

Maybe help this lucrative source of subscription revenue to do our job?


  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Dave,

    We do inhouse Rise development, and also use external contractors. 

    We have used two different approaches for external contractors. 

    In the past, our organization required external contractors to have Rise Teams type accounts. 

    During the course development project the contractor is the Course Owner.

    At the end of the project, the external contractor transfers course ownership to me. The contract describes this process in detail. 

    Recently, we made a change and we now assign one of our Rise seats to the contractor, and I remain the course owner from beginning to end. The external contractor is assigned to the course as a collaborator.  

    At the end of the project, we revoke the seat used by the contractor.

    • DavidHoward-e7a's avatar
      Community Member

      I just lost all my content because someone on the client side missed one check box when removing me from her team.
      Not all independent IDs can cough up the extra $300 for a Team subscription, especially if they only need one seat.


      Dave Howard

      • DavidHoward-e7a's avatar
        Community Member

        So if I read you right; IF Articulate were to offer a high-value webinar like this, you wouldn't need the training, or perhaps, could facilitate the webinar? Great!

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Dave,

    I was a freelance ID and course developer for 17 years, and I understand your frustration.

    Yes, our contractors know the ins and outs of transferring  course ownership.

    The owner transfer process is fairly simple:

    Course owner opens the page that shows the course collaborators.

    If the person that the course ownership will be transferred to is currently not a collaborator, add them as a collaborator.

    Hover over the name of the current course owner and the Transfer option will appear.  Click on Transfer.  Choose the name of the new course owner.  Click TRANSFER.

    In the past we have also used this process when removing a seat from contractors: 

    • DavidHoward-e7a's avatar
      Community Member

      My point was not to see if anyone knew how to do it, but if articulate would take the time to teach the customers how to do this, rather than how to create cute little PowerPoint, templates that look all cartoony and cute in storyline. They’re so busy doing webinars on how to use triggers but new users don’t get any assistance in how to hand off projects to clients which I think is important