I'm like Joel and are still vague on what these different settings are for.
I think I'm OK with the LMS Course Information "Identifier" - that it's a key value that the LMS uses to identify the course and that it shouldn't be changed if you are updating an existing course.
Further to this identifier, I'd also like to know what might happen if two courses on the LMS share the same identifier - what might happen??? I ask because I often duplicate my Storyline files (because it makes for easy updated additional modules) and I noticed a while back that the Identifier number hadn't changed. I'm not sure how many courses I had previously uploaded to the LMS with the same Identifier number (before I noticed the number hadn't changed). Since discovering it, whenever I "duplicate" a course, I temporarily create a separate, new Storyline file and copy the identifier from it (then close it as unsaved) and paste it into the updated course. BTW, can this identifier value be ANYTHING unique or is there a special formula that must be used (in other words, can I only use values that are created by the Storyline's PUBLISH interface)? Could I use my own unique formula, like some initials and then a reverse date?
Feature request thought: Could the Storyline interface have a [Regenerate] button next to the LMS Course Information Identifier field so we can create a new key number? As a safeguard, you could add a warning message that pops up when pressed, saying not to change it the designer/developer is updating an existing course.
Now, as for the LMS Lesson SCORM Information fields, reading the above it sounds like you're saying that you can change the Title field in BOTH the Player Properties window AND the Publish window but ONLY the Player Settings Title field is displayed in the Learner's window? I just did a quick test and it seems that the Player Settings window TITLE field and the Publish Window's root level Title field (ie. not inside the "Reporting and Tracking" area) are synchronised, but the LMS Lesson SCORM Information field's Title field acts independently. When I set the Player Settings field to "ABC", the root level Publish window's Title field also changed to "ABC" (and same happens in reverse) and the published course reflected these values in the player area and the browser window's tab. But the Lesson SCORM Information's Title field seems independent - it doesn't change when you change either of the other Title fields... so WHAT IS THIS FIELD FOR????
And what is the Lesson SCORM Information Identifier field for???
Can this information be clearly provided in the HELP window when you press the (i) Learn More... button at the bottom-left of the window? That would be so helpful :)
Sorry, that was long and painful, but all the answers above are skirting around what these values clearly are for.