Forum Discussion

LisaKingdom's avatar
Community Member
21 days ago

Module fail when percent gained should be a pass

Hi everyone!

Wondering if anyone can shed light here...We use LearnUpon as our LMS and Storyline Tin can files for our modules. We have a User that failed a module when they shouldn't have. 

I have ran an LMS report and looked at the Storyline file itself. Both of which show the amount of questions included which is six. The report shows the User only got one question wrong. Their fail says 62% for that module, but she in fact got 83.33% which would be a pass (pass for each module on the course is set at 75%).

There are no aditional practice questions on the module being included in the final score by mistake. I've attached some screen grabs of the storyline file as well as what the LMS shows. I can't share the Storyline file as it's confidential information.

I have noticed the report run shows the User has answered 7 questions, when it should only be six. Any ideas on why this has happened too? Even so, they should have still gained a pass as they only got one answer wrong.

I'm in talks with the LMS provider, but hoping someone can help with this as we have an unhappy customer.



  • Did they take the assessment twice? Fail is often terminal as far as reporting goes after that even if they pass it stays as fail

  • Hi LisaKingdom!

    Glad to see Phil has been helping you!

    If you're encountering reporting issues when uploading your course to LearnUpon LMS, try testing how it will behave in another LMS like SCORM Cloud to isolate the behavior. A problem with the course can be observed regardless of which LMS you use, but LMS-specific issues cannot be replicated in another LMS. If you don't encounter any issues in SCORM Cloud, please work with the support team of your LMS so they can address any reporting issues you may be experiencing in their environment.

    However, if the same behavior can be observed when testing in SCORM Cloud, it would be helpful to see a copy of the .story file. If privacy is a concern, the file can be shared privately with our team. We’ll delete it from our system as soon as we finish testing!