Forum Discussion
New Rise Feature: Send a Copy
Hi Ian,
I have just experienced the same issues when copying a course to handover to a client. The client reports the Labels that I customised on my original version, did not copy over. Also, I had set the author to hidden, but this did not copy over.
Has there been a resolution to this issue?
Hi, Silvia... and Crystal. I just tested this again about 20 minutes ago, before I saw Crystal's response (as linked by Ashley). I confirm that the Hidden Author attribute assumes the default setting (i.e., it's not hidden) after the course copy is received by the second owner; also, the second owner now shows as the author. Glad to hear your client was able to re-hide this on their own.
The custom labels are trickier. As Crystal mentions (which I learned the hard way!), you have to be careful to click on "Create New" to assign a unique name for your label set. Otherwise, you'll end up changing all of your default label names, and (at least for me) every course created ever after will have the same custom labels applied. :)
I'm glad to hear there's a way to export my custom label set so the second owner can apply it. I'll try testing that over the next couple of days.
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