Forum Discussion

BilliJoThompson's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Not even sure where to start....

Slide 1.1 is a demonstrating slide to show students how a regulator works when manually controlled by using the Raise and Lower Buttons. In slide 2.1, I want to demonstrate how the regulator will work in automatic. This is where I am stumped. I want the user to be able to type a value into the numeric entry field, hit enter, and then have the regulator step to the appropriate step to bring the voltage into bandwidth. Bascially, on slide 2.1 I want the user to be able to hit enter after typing in a value, and watch all the same values change as what was seen in slide 1, but without any other user interaction. On slide 2.1, SL needs to get the voltage as close to 120 (ptvoltage2) as possible. 

For example: 

If the use enters 7000 into the numeric field, the ptvoltage 2 value is 116.667. I now need the dial to increase (move clockwise in increments) until the ptvoltage2 is greater than 119. I would also like the privoltage to change as the dial changes and the ptvoltage2 to show the voltage for each step increase. The dial, privoltage, and ptvoltage2 need to be able to automatically increase or decrease depending on the value the student types into the numeric field (after the student presses Enter). I have tried a few different approaches... but am just getting no where fast, and was hoping someone had a simple solution...? 

Thanks for any input you can offer. 

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    I don't know the first thing about the "electrical math" behind this, so I only focused on the Storyline logic. Have a look at slide 2.1 in the attached. To illustrate how this might work, I moved the triggers that were attached to the Raise button to a separate layer (you could do the same for the Lower button). Once I enter 7000 into the text field, Raise layer is displayed (and hidden) several times, which recalculates the values, moves the dial and changes the states of lines. For this example, I hardset the Endloop counter to 4. You would have to calculate: a.) whether to RAISE or LOWER, based on the input value, and b.) the real number of times the appropriate layer should be shown, based on the input value. Hope that help.

    • BilliJoThompson's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much for taking the time to help me! I sincerely appreciate it! I was able to use  your work and make this exactly what I needed! You are a Rock Star! 

    • BilliJoThompson's avatar
      Community Member

      Michael - 

      Again, thank you for helping me find the fix for my story. I thought I had it all worked out - although will be honest I am not sure I 100% understand the logic. Which leads to me now... it works fine for a few different inputs, but I can get it "stuck" - to where it won't do anything. I think this is because it is on a layer (such as Raise) and then the next value is entered into privoltage and there is no trigger taking it back to Base before going back to Raise so it just does nothing - as the timeline is not restarting on the layer. I totally understand if you don't have time to look at it, but it you do and are up for the challenge, would you mind taking another look and seeing if you can help figure out how to fix? For example, If i do the following: 

      Input 6900, it steps - Input 6900 again it does nothing because it is mid/end timeline


      Input 7600, it steps - Input 7600 again - same as above. 

      So I need it to be re-triggered every time a new value is put in regardless of the layer it's on I think.... 

      I'm still playing with it and may figure it out on my own - in which case I will delete this post. 

      Thanks again for your help! 


  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    Again, since I don't know the subject matter, I only look at the Storyline functionality. It seems to me that you need to remove the conditions on your Hide Layer triggers. After calculating the Raise/Lower values, the layers should be closed regardless. I tried and that seem to work.

    • BilliJoThompson's avatar
      Community Member

      Michael - 

      That definitely fixed it. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your knowledge, guidance and time on this! Huge help! Thanks again!