Forum Discussion

ClaudiaSique749's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Popup text from inserted markers displays incorrectly

I'm having an issue where some of the markers I've added to my course glitch when displaying the condensed popup. Normally when you mouse over them, they will pop up with the popups title. Some of the one's I've added are popping up with the full size of the expanded view and showing only the title below (see attachment for example). Has anyone experienced this? How can I correct it? I've tried resizing and reorienting the popup window and repositioning the marker to no avail.

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Kyle!

    That screenshot is helpful; thanks for including it! Let's start with these tactics:

    • If this is only happening in one project, try importing the slides into a new blank Storyline file.
    • If you see this in multiple projects, run a quick repair as the next step.

    Keep me posted, and we're just a click away if neither of those steps fixes things for you!

    • ClaudiaSique749's avatar
      Community Member


      Thank you for the suggestions. Unfortunately neither of them remedied the issue. Is there a "next step"? Or should I submit a ticket?

  • Hi Kyle,

    Yes, submitting a ticket via the link Becca shared above is the next step so that one of our support engineers can take a look.

    • ClaudiaSique749's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello again...

      Back when this happened, I submitted a ticket and whatever guidance I was given fixed the issue at the time. I'm suddenly experiencing this issue again in a new course and I can't remember what I did to fix this last time (and I no longer have the emails from the case that I submitted). Is there any record of the fix for this on your end?

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hello Kyle, 

        For the first case that you opened, this was the solution which you confirmed worked for you: 

        First, kindly disable the trigger which changes the state of marker 2 to hidden at the start of its own timeline. Then, click on marker 2 and click on "States". Set the initial state to hidden.

        Try if the marker now behaves properly on the preview.

        If you'd like us to take a look at your project file or help you with the fix, open a case with our support team here to connect with one of our support engineers.