Forum Discussion
Print Results - Prompt user to enter name not working
I am not able to get the 'prompt user to enter name' to work. Can someone please look at the settings I have and let me know what you think? I have published a few times and it will not appear.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
It's hard to troubleshoot without seeing the file and/or having more info. For example, does the Print Screen trigger work except that it doesn't ask for the name? Or doesn't that trigger work at all?
Based on the image, my best guess would be that the issue is having the trigger on a Group. Groups are (to put it politely) finicky. It's be better to just have one object as the Print button.
- You could get the same look as your grouped objects by copying and pasting a printer icon into the button states.
- KellySchrodiCommunity Member
That worked, thank you Judy! Changing it from a Group fixed the issue. I do have another question...
Can I turn off the report and only print the Certificate. Right now when I enter the name it automatically pulls up the report in a new browser window but not a window to print the certificate. Thank you
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
As far as I know, the "Print Results" trigger is supposed to open the results report in a new window. The actual printing part has to be done by the user either via directly printing the web page or by grabbing a screenshot and putting that into a file for printing.