Forum Discussion

GiovanniFinotto's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Problem with moodle 4.3

Is it possible that Storyline has compatibility issues with Moodle 4.3+? I'm having trouble with lesson tracking. The student finishes the lesson, the scorm is completed, but it is not possible to access the next lesson (the completion of the lesson is set to passed). If I enter, as a manager, and succeed from the course, the lesson appears to be outdated. But, clearly, that cannot be the solution. Can you help me?



  • Hi Cristina,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Have you tried testing your course with SCORM Cloud to determine if the issue is specific to Moodle or your file? If your course works properly in SCORM Cloud, it's likely a LMS-related issue. You can try enabling the LMS debug logs for your course to learn more about the behavior, or connect directly with your LMS administrator for further assistance.

    If you are able to replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, I'd like to connect you with our Support Engineers to take a closer look at what's going on!

    • GiovanniFinotto's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Kelly,

      Thanks for you help. The scorm has been tested and is correct. I have also enabled LMS debug and I don't see any possible errors (I'm the administrator of the platform). The error is given by the incompatibility of these scorms with Moodle version 4.3 if the scorms have the option "activity completion" in moodle setted on passes or completed.

      As Amanda writes: "the problem seems to be when the next activity has restrictions set to only unlock after the student has completed the previous lesson. It never unlocks. "

      I think it's a very big problem that, at the very least, should be reported to users who create courses with a lot of lessons, a lot of scorm packages and who want to have the platform always up to date. It's causing me serious damage with many institutions using my courses, for example and I've to advice to return to the an old version of moodle (4.2 is ok).



  • Hi Christina,

    I am having this issue too and I have a discussion going in the Moodle forum because I think it could be a bug - though, it very well could be me missing some settings. 

    I have a few SCORM activities in Moodle that are simply watching a video and then they are complete. If I take do the activity as a student, it appears they are reported correctly in Moodle - they are marked as complete if the student completes and not marked complete when the student doesn't finish watching. Works correctly in SCORM Cloud too.

    However, the problem seems to be when the next activity has restrictions set to only unlock after the student has completed the previous lesson. It never unlocks. 

    I tried a few different setting changes in both the restricted lesson and the lesson that should be completed. When I would hit save on the settings of the completed activity, the student would no longer be locked out. But if I left the new settings and tested it as a brand new student, they continued to be locked out even with the changes. 

    I discovered that what "unlocked" the restricted activity was not me changing the settings, but rather the act of me just hitting save in the settings of the activity (SCORM) that was completed. I didn't have to change any settings, just hitting save seem to recalculate the grade. I am able to replicate this again and again, and I think there might be an issue in Moodle. 

    It sounds like you might be having the same issue. If you want to reach out, I can explain it some more, but, as of yet, no one has commented on my post, so there is no solution that I can find yet.


    • cristinaeleuter's avatar
      Community Member

      In fact, the problem is Moodle version 4.3. there are no problems with
      version 4.2. I think it is right that Moodle highlights this problem, this
      is a bug and I see that The staff of moodle is working on it…

      • AmandaHaggerty's avatar
        Community Member

        Thank you!!! We aren't moving to a new version, so I didn't have a working instance to compare it to. I have been pulling my hair out and just assuming it was something in the settings that I was failing to do. I was combing the Moodle forum and didn't see my exact issue, so this confirms my suspicions.

        Did you apply the patch or just downgrade?

  • I'm reading now, on moodle forum, that .."....will be fixed in Moodle 4.3.1, which is scheduled to be released on Monday 11 December 2023"

  • Hi Giovanni,

    I am currently experiencing the same problem and I am using moodle 4.3. When I read what you wrote, I saw that you were writing about what I was experiencing and I was very happy. The update has been released. Is your problem solved now?


    • cristinaeleuter's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes, the new version solves the problem

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      • ÇağrıAKKAYA's avatar
        Community Member

        Your feedback and answer is precious. I will try it and let others know and they will be happy to see it.