Forum Discussion

LisaPeterson-3c's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Resume Video in Storyline 360


I am struggling to get my course to resume a video (downloaded video, not embed) after the learner exits. The video, a long recording of a vILT, is required for everyone who could not attend the session and I do not want anyone to be forced to restart that video. I have gone through many discussions about video resume; however, they look to be older posts and so I'm hoping there is new information or a new solution available. 

Here's what I've tried:

  • Set video slide revisit to resume saved state
  • Set video slide revisit to automatically decide AND created an exit loop where the learner clicks a Save button, advances to a Saved slide with a Resume and Exit button (in order for the video slide to "complete" by advancing a slide), and upon returning to the course learners use the Resume button goes back to the video
  • Set video slide revisit to resume saved state AND used the exit loop described above

Thank you!

Storyline 360, v3.84..., for LMS Scorm 1.2

  • Hi Lisa,

    The correct setting would be to Resume Saved State, but I'm not 100% sure if it saves a videos current timecode between sessions. Happy to be corrected on this, but in my experience, the video is restarted each time you exit the module (possibly even exit the current slide).

    The next best solution, if it is a long video, is to break it up into chapters and place across multiple slides. Then the worst case scenario is that the user must restart a 5 minute section of the video rather than the entire video. The video could be broken up into logical chapters.

    I've used this method in the past, and just used a trigger to go to the next slide (video) when the current video is complete. It can also provide a logical place for somebody to exit the module.
