Forum Discussion
5 years agoCommunity Member
Rise 360 Adding a PDF document
Hi, I am new to this software. Rise 360 shows a demo class on Employee Health and wellness and it includes a PDF document for download. I have made my first Rise 360 course and would also like to ad...
I am having the same problem as above. In the past, I uploaded a PDF using the embed attachment, then this would open up in a new tab. I could use this link to within the content to hyperlink certain words. Now the PDF downloads to my laptop.
I need to insert PDF links within content but this option is gone now. Can you advise please?
Hi there ICEP Europe!
So sorry you are encountering this issue. We noticed a change in the behavior of the Attachment block, and we have shared this with the team. We will update this thread if there will be any changes.
In the meantime, I am reposting the workarounds that Gren had mentioned above. Have you tried these?
- Use the direct URL of the Attachment block when embedding the PDF file (don't use an iFrame code).
- Upload the PDF file to another web server, and use the URL in the iFrame code in the Embed block.
- Publish the Rise 360 course with the Attachment block to Review 360. In the published Review 360 course, get the URL of the Attachment block (right-click, Copy link address), then use this URL in the iFrame code in an Embed block in Rise.
Let us know if these workarounds help!