Forum Discussion

ChrisUndery-aea's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise equivalent of story.html for Rise

May be a daft question but what is (or is there) the equivalent of the story.html file for a published Rise course?


  • MaRe's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Chris,

    it is the index.html. This starts the course as well as with the story.html it does. I hope I understand your question right. :)

  • You did and I thought it was that - Thank you for the clarification. 
    Annoyingly, that means I have another problem but not worrying about that at the moment

  • MaRe's avatar
    Community Member your LMS searching for the story.html to start a course? :) If so you can rename the index.html to story.html after the rise export and pack it again to zip. 

    We have the same in the other direction. The LMS searching for the index.html and I must rename the storyline export.

  • I've previously embedded a storyline course inside a sharepoint online page where the course was published in the LMS (Cornerstone on demand) but I them embed by pointing directly to the publications link for the live course. The url used looks like this

    This works great where the course was built in Storyline but doesn't work if built in Rise. Original post on how to do what we did for storyline is here (Page 22 of the thread). If you've got any ideas I'd be very willing to try them.

    The alternative is to store and surface the course in SharePoint but never been able to get this to work.