Forum Discussion

CristianIrribar's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

SCORM en Moodley libro de calificaciones

Hola estimados.

Les comento que tenemos un curso realizado en Storyline Articulate 3, es una cápsula que no tiene actividades evaluativas, solo queremos que el libro de calificación de Moodle arroje una calificación de 100 si el estudiante revisó completa la cápsula o 0% si no la revisó, sin embargo, el libro de calificación no lo detecta. ¿alguna idea cómo puedo hacer para solucionar este problema?

Muchas gracias

Saludos cordiales

  • Hello Christian,

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    Have you tried testing your course in a different LMS to confirm if the behavior you're experiencing is specific to your LMS? SCORM Cloud is a great environment that you can use for this purpose. Here's how to test your course in SCORM Cloud: 

    If you are able to replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, would you be willing to upload a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a look at it? We'll delete it when we're done testing! 

  • Hola Gracias por la respuesta.

    Si lo he probado, pero no me reconoce una calificación una vez revisado el scorm, ¿es posible que arroje una calificación al estudiante solo por revisar el scorm? o necesariamente debe contener una evaluación el scorm? Gracias por la ayuda. Saludos

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Cristián,

      Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a look at how the tracking of your course is setup?

      To answer your question, you'll need to have a quiz in your course if you would like a score to appear in your LMS. If I understood you correctly, I believe you're trying to design your course without a quiz, but your learners still get a 100% passing score in the LMS, is this correct? If so, you can try adding a hidden quiz in your course to meet this requirement, and then use triggers to answer the quiz and automatically skip over the quiz slides so that they aren't visible when a learners goes through the course. 

      I've attached a sample file so you can see how something like this can be setup in Storyline 360.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!