Forum Discussion

RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Slide not automatically continuing (sometimes)


I have made a course live and almost 2000 people have completed it with no issues so far, however there is about 10-20 people that are being stuck in a loop at the same place, where the slide won't continue and it goes back rather than onto the next slide. 

My team and I are unable to recreate the issue and thousand of people are continuing fine. 

Anyone have any reason this could be happening, all the pc's are standardised and use the same browsers. They have also confirmed they aren't clicking the back button. 

Here is an image of my triggers and slide layout. 

  • you are using the normal modern player with the default "prev" and "next" button?

    if yes you should integrate a (disabled) next button - so the position of the "prev" button is always at the same postiion

    • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
      Community Member

      Yeah the modern player with default buttons. 

      I will be sure to do that going forward! 

      For now I will add in a next button but I would really love to understand why the automatic trigger is working for some but not others 

  • what happens if the course not automatically continuing - the three dot animation?

    • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, they say it is going back over the same slide they just watched.

      My initial thought was that they are mistakenly click the back arrow however they aren't clicking anything. I am checking with our IT team to see if the browsers are up to date. 

  • >they say it is going back over the same slide they just watched.
    very strange behaviour

    • does it occur on all slides or on special slides?
    • are they caught in an endless loop "next" -> restart same page, "next" -> restart same page ... ?

    > to see if the browsers are up to date
    i don't think an outdated browser can cause such an error, but it is never a bad idea to keep the browser up to date

     Update: do you have manual "next"-button at all?

    • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
      Community Member

      Just occurring on the one slide. Yeah its just an endless loop, the slide is set to automatically continue once the audio has completed and that is the only trigger set up.

      It is a very basic slide so I am confused. 

      A few of the issues have resolved themselves, when they have restarted their pc, which is weird too. 

      • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
        Community Member

        I think I might add a next button in, rather than a trigger to automatically continue and see if that take out any areas for confusion 

  • >yeah its just an endless loop
    endlos loop of only slide 2.8 ?

    >It is a very basic slide so I am confused. 

    I see in your screenshot - slide 2.8 - there is really nothing special

  • do you have any trigger on the slide direct before 2.8 - perhaps with automatic jump to 2.8 ?

    • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
      Community Member

      Yeah I do, it automatically continues onto 2.8.

      Done this to stop people skipping through, however I might change it to have the next button disabled until audio has completed 

  • trigger and transitions don't work very well together (only for fast clicking user)

    the longer the duration of the transition, the more problems with trigger there can be

    • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
      Community Member

      Nope, essentially the same trigger set up for 3 slides in a row. 

  • summary

    slide (last-3) -> automatic next (always ok) -> slide (last-2) -> automatic next (always ok) -> slide (last-1) -> automatic next (always ok) -> slide (last) -> automatic next (most ok, but sometimes jump back to the "last" slide, not to the menu)

    very very strange

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      now you need an insight into the javascript source code of the web player - unfortunately this is not possible for outsiders

    • RebeccaLogan-bd's avatar
      Community Member

      Yep, I some that I have contacted, the issue has resolved itself after restarting their pc's or going through the loop a few times. 

      Very hard to troubleshoot

  • >Very hard to troubleshoot

    yes, but compared to the current main problem of articulate "offline message freeze", this is a  very harmless problem

    perhaps you should open a support case (with a link to this thread)

    i don't think much will come of it, but at least the bug will get into the BIG storyline bug database

    it took me 6 months to convince articulate support what the real error cause was for another severe "sometimes" problem -> "animate paragraph - missing text" - and they have fixed it finally