Forum Discussion

AlainCayron's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline content creation navigation between scenes


Not sure if it's the place to place ideas for function changes in the tool.


When we navigate to create content between scenes from scene A to scene B and back to A the selected slide is always the first one of the scene we return to.

Don't you think we good have better navigation if the system mémorize the last accesed slide from the retruning scene?


we are on scene A we are in slide 2.5

go to scene B  3.4

when we select again scene A in the drop list  should be good to be back to  slide A 2.5.


thanks for comments


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    As you know, when you double-click a slide in STORY VIEW, it will open for editing in SLIDE VIEW. When you open more than one slide from STORY VIEW, tabs are added above the slide-editing area in SLIDE VIEW. Here's an example: 

    This feature allows you to quickly switch between different slides by selecting a tab. The tabs could be for slides in the same scene or in different scenes. 

    When you're viewing a slide and then switch to another slide in the Scenes panel on the left, that newly selected slide will appear in the active tab.

    I typically open one slide from each scene. Then I use the tabs to move between scenes. And with a given tab/scene active, I move to another slide in that scene by clicking it in the Scenes panel.

  • AlainCayron's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Judy works nice as you desscirbed.

    not enough practice on tool!