Forum Discussion

DougMcCormick's avatar
Community Member
9 years ago

StoryView Slides overlapping

In my project, in many of the StoryView scenes, some slides overlap another slide.  I have tried dragging the top slide to an adjacent position but they always revert to overlap another slide.  I have attached an example.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this please.  Thanks in advance.

  • DougMcCormick's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for your suggestion Balint but unfortunately it didn't work for me. 6 years since I reported this issue so glad you have refreshed it for the Articulate team.

  • BalintKoller's avatar
    Community Member

    Sorry about that Doug.... then it really does sound like a bug that the Articulate team may want to investigate. Actually, in trying out all the workarounds, I've also tried copying all my slides into a new project, but that only resulted in most of the formatting going haywire (even though it was a straight copy/paste), so would not recommend that one. 

    • KylaRobinson's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for adding this comment Balint!   I was having the same issue and this fixed it for me!