Forum Discussion

KathrynBoddice's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Update has broken triggers - anyone else?

Hi all,

There have been a few updates over recent weeks and I noticed when I came to ammend a project (after installing the last but one update) it somehow knocked out a lot of my triggers (for changing the state of an object when its been visited). 

I wonder if anyone else saw similar? 

  • Hi Kat,

    Thanks so much for reaching out. Happy to help!

     I'd like to start off by testing your file on my end. You shouldn't see any changes in the way triggers behave. Could you please attach the .story file to this discussion? If you prefer to share the files privately, feel free to open a support case.

     Looking forward to hearing from you! 

  • I know that this thread is over a year old, but over the past 3 years my team and I have experienced frequent broken triggers that seem to correlate with updates. With the June 18, 2024 Build 3.89.32618.0 for example, several of us saw triggers related to layers, markers, and sound from prior built courses become 'unassigned' after the update. Has anyone else experienced anything of a similar nature?

    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi Jon,

      Thanks for reaching out and detailing what you're seeing!

      Triggers can become unassigned when copying and pasting them, but this shouldn't happen due to a software update. It's hard to say for sure what the root cause is, especially without seeing your file. If you're comfortable sharing that with our team, we'd be happy to take a closer look.

      You can upload your file here or privately in a support case, and we'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.