Forum Discussion
Values in variables not changing correctly
- 3 days ago
Using the Question.Correct variable in your scenario can be tricky. Jumping to the next slide without the presence of feedback layers and a trigger to submit the interaction can result in an incorrect change to the Question.Correct variable. Please find the attached .story file, which provides a solution to your problem. Just adjust the triggers on the result slide to show or hide text based on the values of the question's incorrect variables.
Question.Correct is not a great variable to use as it changes each time you switch slides and is therefore difficult to debug.
I would have changed the variable on the feedback layers, if you didn't want feedback I would have had invisible feedback layers that change the variable and then jump.
- SINERGYAlex2 days agoCommunity Member
Thank you so much for your help. I tried it and it was indeed easier to track with the variables on the feedback layers.