Forum Discussion

MichelleMant432's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Videos blurred in Storyline

Hi team

I have imported some videos from Camtasia into Storyline and they are blurred when published and in review. I am not sure how to fix that - I have changed the screen size to 1920x1080 but it is not helping… any ideas?

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear that you're running into this issue!

    First, I'd like to make sure I understand what you've tried so far. When you state that you changed the screen size, are you referring to the slide size or the size of the video?

    When the slide size is smaller than the size of the video, the video is resized down to fit the entire slide. When resized, some information can get lost, making it appear blurry. I found a similar case that was fixed by matching the size of the video and the Story Size of your course.

    If you're comfortable sharing your file with us, I'd be happy to take a closer look! You can upload it here or share it privately in a support case. We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      you have the typical video problem

      • small slide (720x540)
      • large videos with (very) good quality (1920x1080)

      In this combination, the video is resized to a maximum of 720x540px - in your case 656x368px

      result: very low video quality

      fix: set Compressiom to 'None'

      but - next bug: this is sometimes (??) not possible

      to fix this problem

      • export all videos from storyline to your desktop


      • delete all videos in the storyline file
      • save the story file 2x
      • exit storyline
      • open storyline
      • load the story file (without the videos)
      • reimport all videos
      • position and resize the video
      • set now all videos to compression none
      • publish


      before fix:

      after fix:

      bug 3 (not fixable ???) - the poster frame for the video remains blurry, only visible if you have no autostart for the video

      @articulate: these are all wellnone bugs for years - please fix this !!!!!

  • Seb-Daubert's avatar
    Community Member

    hum, your video original size at 100% in the .story is 1617*910, it's not a video standard format, try with a video with original size at 1920*1080...