Forum Discussion
Xlif problems
Hello I have a lot of problem when I try to translate a xlif export of a route RISE. Indeed, when I open the export in a translation tool like or SDL Trados Studio 2019, I oddly have line breaks or tabs that do not normally exist in my path. You have to delete them by hand in the translation tool.
And so when I re-import the translated and cleaned files, I lose my text formatting or I have [Object Object] tags that appear in my RISE module (see pj).
What to do to avoid this?
Thank you
- DavidNeuburger-Community Member
- MartikaCoxFormer Staff
Hi there David,
Sorry you’re experiencing some trouble here.
This is a known issue that our team is investigating. I’ll update you here as soon as I know more.
Please reach out if I can help with anything else!
- BelkinEMEACommunity Member
Hi Martika,
We are also experiencing the same issue on our side. The .xlf exported is not usable in our translation softwares (SDL WorldServer or SDL Studio 2017).
Do you have a quick workaround?
The only short-term solution for us is to copy-paste the content into a Word document which is really time consuming and not handy at all.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hi Paolo and Belkin International,
I'm sorry but we don't have any updates here for you yet. Stay tuned!
- TemurSafarbaevCommunity Member
It has been 5 years now and staff doesn't have any solution?
- JulienThelerCommunity Member
We have the same issue. We have two module to launch in 15 languages. We thought that the translation process in Rise was reliable, and we are very disappointed to see that a critical problem has been pending for more than 3 months. This cause Articulate Rise to be inappropriate for multilingual projects !
Do you really have no solution, at least one workaround?
Hi Julien,
I'm so sorry you're experiencing this issue, I understand how frustrating it must be.
Unfortunately, I don't have any updates to share at this time, but you are now subscribed to this conversation which means as we share updates here, you’ll automatically be notified.
In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!
- svenRinggerCommunity Member
Am I the only one who feels that the bugs and problems reported on this forum systematically seem to be answered by bots? Always the same answer "we will forward to our support", under the understanding that with a little luck a member of the community will bring free solutions. Hey Articulate, your product is a commercial product that you sell expensive, your customers are entitled to get concrete answers to the problems that your product imposes on them. A bug is not a request for functionality to prioritize according to your development backlogs, they are problems to solve all the more quickly as they are blocking for YOUR CLIENTS!!!! The problem described above by Julien has been lying around for months on your forum and has still not been solved. It involves very high manual intervention costs, and for any answer Articulate answers "we are looking into it"??? It's not serious and personally I wonder if we can really continue to recommend Articulate to our customers. Other solutions exist on the market and offer serious support. It would be time for Articulate to rebalance their staff between marketing and developers. The latter must not be very numerous....
a customer for many years but who is at the end of his patience - JustinStaff
Hello, everyone.
Thanks for weighing in to let us know how important it is for us to get XLIFF translation right in Rise. We hear you, and we understand this is impacting you. Our team will be reaching out to each of you directly to schedule some focused time to get your feedback on the best way to fix this.
You'll hear directly from our team today.
- GrupoAssBiomediCommunity Member
I can't understand why you don't restore previous option to export and import .xliff while you solve current problems. There was a functional feature, it was already done and working, you only have t restore it… could you ask to do it, please?
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Some of you have told us that the tags we add to XLIFF exports (to preserve formatting) make those files hard to work with.
If you’re one of those people, I’ve got some great news! You now have the option to discard that formatting in order to make XLIFF files easier to work with. Here’s more information on how that works.
Keep in mind that if you decide not to include these HTML tags, any custom text formatting (size, color, boldness, etc.) that you’ve applied will be lost when you import your translation.
We've also reduced extra spaces in the export files so that they work better with third-party translators.
We’re hoping that these changes will relieve the pain that some of you have been experiencing with translation in Rise.
Thanks for your patience as we worked on this solution!
Let me know if you have any questions.
- AndreaRosenbergCommunity Member
For me it worked with the XLIFF translated in SDL Studio, after I removed all spaces between Tags and all <mrk>-Tags.
E.g. in Notepad++:
"> <" to "><"
Regex "<\s*mrk[^>]*>" to ""
Regex "</mrk>" to "" - SuzannahWhiteCommunity Member
Did you receive a fix for the [object object] upon importing file back into RISE? I’m having the same issue.
- SuzannahWhiteCommunity Member
The fix for {object object} upon importing back into RISE that worked for me is:
For Trados Studio 2017/2019 users, please ensure the following settings are used:
- Enable the option “Do not store segmentation information in the translated file” in both areas of Trados Studio.
- Go to: File > Options > XLIFF > Settings > Do not store segmentation information in the translated file
- Go to: Project Settings > File Types > XLIFF > Settings > Do not store segmentation information in the translated file
- Use the Tag Verifying function to confirm there’s no tag errors
No more [object object] issues.
- SibaPrasadPadhiCommunity Member
Hi Suzannah,
I will pass on this information to our translation team.
- Enable the option “Do not store segmentation information in the translated file” in both areas of Trados Studio.