Peek Screen

Jun 21, 2018

New to using Peek. I am having a problem with the recorded area that is being displayed. I have a multiple monitors. There are a couple of issues with the Selection Area.

1 When I select either an application or a full screen the Selection area does not match what is recorded.

2 The selection area outline appears on the recording

3 The selection area is only partially visible on the screen and the middle point to move it is off screen

8 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Glenn, 

I know a few other users with a dual monitor display shared that they've seen similar issues when recording in Peek. It seems to be connected to the USB adapter or laptop dock used - can you share a bit more information about your Windows OS version, and how these monitors are connected?

Additionally, are you able to record when not connected to the dual monitors? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Glenn, 

I believe most users had to disable from the dock to properly use the screen recording, but in talking with a colleague last night who was able to replicate it he also found his monitors were using a different screen resolution. Setting those to match allowed the screen recording to work correctly (after a reboot for the changes to take effect). Can you test and see if that works for you?

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