PEEK wont run at all.

Nov 05, 2020

I have a fairly well specified Windows 10 Pro PC and have only recently started using Articulate, I cannot get Peek to load or run at all. The Icon appears in the system tray but nothing happens when I click on it. Any clues anyone?

25 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for writing in. I'm happy to troubleshoot with a few questions to start:

  • What happens if you try to access Peek 360 from the Articulate 360 desktop app? Here's a short video demo of the steps.
  • Let's try a hard close and relaunch: Right-click on the Peek 360 icon in the system tray and select Quit, then try to launch Peek 360 from the desktop app. Does that make a difference?

The answers to those questions will help us find the cause, but we invite you to connect with our Support Engineers if you need fast help:

Sandie Morgan

I have a similar problem to this. When Peek was initially installed it was functional.

Although Peek is installed and the icon is in the system tray nothing happens when either is clicked. With the icon it doesn't even show an option to Quit when it's right clicked on.

Numerous attempts have been made to uninstall and then reinstall without any success.

Any help would be appreciated

Lauren Connelly

Hello Jimmie!

It looks like this happens when Peek loses read/write access to the Peek folder in your Documents directory. This inadvertently prevents Peek from launching.

Have you checked this setting? If that doesn't work, don't hesitate to reach out to us in a support case so that we can troubleshoot with you directly.

Alicia Anaya

I have the same issue Peek 360 is not running or at lease loading, I don´t know how to check that Peek folder. I follow all the instructions to try that Peek 360 works but nothing.... I opened a support Case # 03007534 past week but at this moment I don´t receive any contact from support. Please your help due I have committed to release some deliverables this week

Raminder Singh

Hi guys, I am facing a similar issue. 

When Peek was functional till yesterday.

Although Peek is installed and the icon is in the system tray nothing happens when either is clicked. With the icon it doesn't even show an option to Quit when it's right clicked on.

Numerous attempts have been made to uninstall and then reinstall without any success. I even tried rolling back to an earlier version, that hasn't solved the issue 

I use a Macbook pro with parallels for windows. 

Any help would be appreciated as I am on tight schedule and cant afford a tool issue 

Becca Levan

I'm so sorry for the delayed response, Alicia! I spotted your case and see that it has been assigned; we will be in touch via email shortly!

Raminder - I'm sorry you've run into this trouble as well! I've opened a support case on your behalf, and one of my teammates will reach out shortly with the next step!

In the meantime, here are additional steps to take if Peek 360 is malfunctioning.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jennifer and ELMRTeam, 

I'm sorry you're both having trouble with Peek 360 - as it's one of my favorite tools! I took a look at the earlier cases filed with our Support team mentioned in this discussion and there were two possibilities you may want to look into:

1. The Peek 360 software was blocked by internal security policies as it records access to record your screen and/or audio. The individuals' IT team was able to resolve this. 
2. In one scenario, we determined that Peek lost read/write access to the Peek folder in the Documents directory. This inadvertently prevents Peek from launching. 

In both cases, working with your IT folks is the next best step. If you need us to help gather more information before you connect with them, our Support team is standing by to help! 

Alicia Anaya

Well, I have the same issue time ago and after several type to solutions, but finally worked when I removed the "Peek"  folder an I created it again. Be careful to back up the files that are in the folder before to remove  it if you don´t want to lose contents of this folder. When you remove the folder, you need to recreate it with exactly the same name "Peek" respecting capitals and minuscules, that's how I did it. Restart the computer and you're done... I hope this procedure also works for you


It took a while to get back to this because I needed a quite time at work to allow support to take over my machine but it got resolved and thought that I should share what the problem/solution was. The issue was a conflict between my two monitors. By switch which one was the main monitor and adjusting the resolution this solved this issue for me. Hope this is helpful for others :)

Luciana Piazza

Hi Deborah, 

Thanks so much for reaching out! Sorry to hear you're running into audio issues with Peek 360.  Happy to help! 

I see that you've opened a support case with us. Great call! One of our talented Support Engineers will be in touch shortly via email. Thank you for your patience. 

In the meantime, I'd like to share this article to assist with troubleshooting:

(This article includes support articles, system requirements, and links to assist with downloading Peek 360 to your computer.)

If you have any other questions, please let us know!