Articulate Review - serving of .gltf files

Sep 22, 2022


We've created a web object that renders an interactive 3D window using WebGL and works great.  However, it is not working when we run the course in articulate review because one of the filetypes used by the WebGL framework we are using (Babylon) uses a 3d mesh file with file extension ".gltf" and the webserver running articulate review hasn't got this file type registered (the default behaviour when requesting a file that exists on the file system but the filetype is unknown is to not serve it up and return a "403 Forbidden" status code - which is exactly what is happening for us!

Would your web team that manage articulate review consider adding the following file extension/mime-type to the webserver so that WebGL/Babylon content could be served up?

The use of 3D as an interactive, engaging medium is great for learning and they can run really well in a web object inside articulate - but the appropriate file extensions/mime-types are required on the web server in order to serve up the required 3d object files. 

extension: .gltf  mime-type: model/gltf+json




3 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Chris, 

Thanks for this great suggestion! 

I went ahead and created a Feature Request on your behalf so our product team can hear about your thoughts on how to improve Review 360.

If you have any further suggestions that you'd like to raise, you can do so by creating a Feature Request here.