Articulate review - Storyline 360 versions and previous comments

Mar 03, 2017

I have sent a Storyline 360 file for review using Articulate Review. At this stage I'm having my SME review and she has provided me with feedback/changes which I'm in the process of making. I've also noted that, given there will be 2 other people reviewing the revised version, she has made notes to those other reviewers even though they haven't been included on the initial review.

My question is, when I have made all of the changes and publish the revised version to Articulate Review, can those original comments be seen when I send the new link to additional reviewers? Or are they only seen with the previous review. If this is the case, are there any suggestions how I can make sure they see those comments addressed to them? For example, before sending the link should I go in to those slides and copy and paste the comment in? Is that even possible?

Thanks for your help! Still trying to get used to using Articulate Review!

14 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Martin, 

I am sorry to hear that didn't help! After enabling Show Resolved Comments, your exports should be including the resolved comments on the report. Here is another example of my export PDF after enabling show resolved comments:


Since you do not see resolved comments on your exports, I would like our Support Engineers to help take a closer look. Please be on the lookout for an email from our team! 

Martin Iwinski

I had this exact same issue and worked with Articulate support to see what happened to previous comments. Here's the summary of what could be happening.

If you have comments on a section and then remove that section or change the course structure in any way, the previous comments will disappear in the new version of your module in Review. There's no way to get the comments back unless you select a previous version of the module in Review.

Hopefully that helps. It's a real pain in the butt since reviews are supposed to be about moving things around based on team input, but this ends up breaking comments in Review.

Louise Smith

Hi Martin! 

Thank you for the response. The course structure hasn't changed dramatically maybe the addition of new rows of images etc (the course was built in rise). I have just published version 3 and the last unresolved comment from version 2 has shown but the comments from version 1 are still nowhere to be seen! Very odd.


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