Getting booted out of Review 360 almost everyday

Feb 09, 2023


Is there anyway to prevent this from happening. Each day I get booted out at least once, and the most three times. It's not the worst thing, because all i have to do is sign in again with password. Wonder if anyone have a solution or answer.



1 Reply
Eric Santos

Hi Dynacor Learning,

I'm sorry to hear you're hitting this snag! To prevent being booted out of Review 360, there are a few steps you can try:

  1. Clear your browser cache: Over time, your browser cache can become cluttered and may cause performance issues. Clearing your browser cache can help improve the performance of Review 360 and prevent you from being logged out.
  2. Use a different browser: Try using a different browser to see if it resolves the issue. Please check if your browser is up-to-date to help ensure that it is compatible with Review 360 and that it provides the best performance.
  3. Check your network connection: If you have a slow or unstable internet connection, it may cause you to be logged out of Review 360. Check your network connection and ensure that it is stable and fast. If you're using a VPN, try disconnecting it and see if it helps.
  4. The domains listed here must be accessible on port 443 for Articulate 360 apps and services to work properly.

Let me know if that helps!