Navigation stopped working

Jan 10, 2017

Hello, I upload my storyline in review, but when I preview the engage 360 content imported in my storyline navigation becomes impossible. The next and the previous button don't work and I cannot skip to another slide using the sidebar menu either.

I'm using articulate 360.

Any help is really appreciated.

11 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

I wanted to provide an update here, as Articulate 360 Update 3 was just released, and included a number of fixes which you can see in the release notes available here. The item you all may be particularly interested in is how it fixed an issue where there were some inconsistencies and odd behavior with embedded Engage interactions. When you open the 360 Desktop application you’ll be prompted to  download the latest update and after downloading and installing the latest update you’ll want to republish any existing content to ensure that the updates and fixes are applied.

Let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kiki,

This discussion is quite a bit older (we were on Update 3 at the time, we're now on Storyline 360, build 3.29.19305.0!) so I'd like to gather a bit more details about your setup.

It sounds like you have Engage interactions you created in an earlier version, and now that you've upgraded them to Articulate 360 the buttons have disappeared? Is this happening in Storyline or Presenter?

Are you able to share a copy of your files with us here in E-Learning Heroes or with our Support Team

Fred Werdermann

I'm having a similar issue.  I created a course in Storyline 360 in 2017 and published it as a series of standalone units.  The next buttons have worked perfectly since then.  Then, today, I went into the English and the French versions of the course and made VERY minor edits (i.e. changed a few words on one slide and deleted another slide) to two units.  I did not touch anything to do with triggers or the Player's navigation settings.  

After I published them, I went to test them on our LMS.  The English units still work completely normally.  The French ones, though, won't allow me to get past the first slide; because the next buttons do nothing.  They work fine if I test the published content locally, but not on the LMS.  The other units (which were published earlier) still work fine.  I've tested this on different browsers and the results are all the same - the two republished units' next buttons don't work.  

I tried adding a trigger to the first slide of one of the units to change the state of the Next button to Normal, in case it was somehow magically not Normal; but that didn't work.

I should also mention that Storyline is always kept updated.

Karen Robinson

I'm having the same problem, the navigation controls don't work on published courses. I was told by Articulate staff that they don't work with the Explorer browser, but they do work  with Chrome, but that is not true. I have had reviewers use Chrome and Edge and the navigation buttons are not working. They work fine for me, so this is a big issue that needs to be resolved immediately. 

Ren Gomez

Hi Karen,

Thanks for reaching out here, as well as opening a case! I see you've been working with my teammate, Mark, on this issue and I encourage you to keep working with him to get to the root of the issue.

Here's the upload link he mentioned for sending us your .story file as it seems we didn't receive it the first time. Thanks!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Fred,

I apologize that we missed your post. It looks like Karen replied after you, so that's where we replied.

You mentioned that you are only seeing the issue in your LMS. Have you been able to compare to another LMS, such as SCORM Cloud? This will help us determine if the issue lies within your project file or your specific LMS.

If you can replicate it, we would certainly want to take a look.

We do have staff here in the forums, but you are always welcome to work directly with our support team here and you can read our full support policy here as well.

Karen Robinson

Hi Fred,

I'm not sure if we are talking about the same navigation issue. We found that navigation works on SCORM Cloud and when using Chrome or Edge browsers.

Stop, Pause and Seekbar don't work when viewing with the Internet Explorer browser. Hope that helps and that I'm not "butting" in to the wrong discussion.

Karen Robinson, Ed. D.
Instructional Designer

L E V I, R A Y & S H O U P, I N C ®

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