Organize and label comments in a project

Sep 06, 2022


It would be very helpful if there are more options to organize and categorize comments in a project, without having to hide them.

I am currently working on a project that has collected nearly 300 comments. I cannot resolve them because I am working with SMEs who would prefer them to be visible. I am having a hard time distinguishing, at a glance, between those that have been resolved and those that still require my attention.

Would others here find these options useful?

3 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hello Ioana,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and reaching out to the community for their perspective! I understand how important it is to have a streamlined experience when working on your project.

You can share this with us within a Feature Request. Here is an article on how we handle Feature Requests.

In the meantime, you can follow along with our Feature Roadmap in order to see what are Engineers are currently working on. 

Hope you have a great afternoon!