Review 360 Requiring Stakeholders to Create Articulate Account. Please help.

Aug 25, 2023


When I provide the review link to stakeholders, they are redirected to the main sign in page where they are directed to create an Articulate account.  This is happening even though I have selected the option to allow stakeholders to respond without an articulate account.  I was not having this problem earlier this year and was wondering if this some kind of update glitch.  I came here looking for answers.  Does anyone know what to do about this?  Thanks in advance for any advice.

6 Replies
Chishamiso Rowley

Note - I just want to clarify that these are not individuals who have had Articulate Ids/accounts in the past.  After providing the review link, respondents are being asked to provide an email (which is fine) then they being redirected to the main Articulate sign-in page where they are being asked to re-enter an email address, provide a password or sign up for an account.   I have not found a work around.  Providing a password for the Review link does not work as respondents are still being redirected to the main page and being asked to create an account.

Lauren Connelly

Hello Chishamiso!

Thank you for sharing these details with us! Are you finding this is happening with all Review 360 links or just this one that you're currently sharing?

One simple thing to try is to ask the stakeholders to view the course link in an Incognito Window to see if they're still prompted to sign in.

Chishamiso Rowley

Yes, this is happening with all Review 360 links.  I will try the incognito approach.  I just need to note that previously I could share the review 360 link and stakeholders could see the course and leave comments with no problem.  So, I don't understand what has changed or how to resolve this.

Jose Tansengco

Hello Chishamiso,

Since you're still experiencing the behavior, I'd recommend opening a case with our support team here and sharing the email addresses of your reviewers so we can check if any of them are associated with an Articulate ID. If none of them are linked to an Articulate ID, our support engineers can investigate why they are being prompted to sign in before being allowed to leave a comment.