Review not playing course

May 20, 2022

Hi I have a course I created about a year ago and published on review fine.

I published a new version of this course with a couple of minor tweaks to colours but it won't play I get a play button as if its a video (see attached). But if I clicked on play the cursor just spins.

Other courses seem to work and play ok. I published as a completely new item and still the same issue.  Any ideas?



4 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Michelle, 

Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. If your course is getting stuck while loading, there's a possibility that corrupted data is preventing the course from working properly. I'd like to gather more information to figure out what's happening: 

You can also check out this article which explains how to reduce the risk of encountering file related issues when working in Storyline 360: 

Follow These Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Corrupting or Losing Project Files

If working locally and importing to a new file don't help, please reach out to our support team here so we can take a closer look at your project file to restore its functionality. 

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Michelle.

If your folder automatically syncs with OneDrive, it could cause the same issues as working on a network drive, so we usually recommend disabling the auto-sync to avoid erratic behavior. 

If you can share your .story file through a support case, we're happy to take a deeper look at what's happening.