Accessibility Challenges: Upping Interactivity for Screen Readers

Aug 11, 2023

Hey all! Looking for collaborative problem-solving. We have several blind learners, and while they love our alt texts and the majority of the course designs in Rise, they've also identified that the Matching knowledge check and the Sorting Activity interactive elements are just not screen reader friendly. 

Testing that same knowledge using multiple choice or multiple answer is challenging, just because there's so much more content you can cover at once with Sorting and Matching. Has anyone else faced this? Any tips?

2 Replies
Karl Muller


I found this page:

  • Sorting activity blocks don't have accessible instructions or status messages. 
  • Matching knowledge checks don't provide a meaningful sequence or a defined hierarchy when accessed via screen reader. They also aren't keyboard accessible and don't provide accessible instructions or status messages. 


This page describes which blocks are / are not / are partially accessible