Archiving and moving courses to folders

Aug 12, 2020

I have created many courses in Rise. I would like to archive them in folders so they don't show up on the main screen. It's getting very cluttered and difficult to find what I need, with seemingly endless scrolling. 

I am able to create new folders easily and move courses into those folders. However, the course remain on the main page. If I delete a course from the main page (assuming it will remain in the new folder) it deletes everywhere. This really defeats the purpose of having folders!

How do I move things off the main page and into a folder, so I can de-clutter the main page?

40 Replies
Cody Cooper

Hi - Adding a +1 to this feature request for folder organization and archiving functionality. This is also needed for version control efficiencies, which can be helped by copying a course and re-titling, but that only grows the number of courses/clutter on the main dashboard. Are there any updates you can share? Thanks!

Jan Reed

I've found I can create a folder and create the materials in the folder and they aren't on my dashboard, however everything created before learning this is in my dashboard.  PLEASE developers, how hard can it be?  But then, I'm that computer savvy, so it may be very hard.  This had been a request for several years.  I would hope someone is working on this.