Centering images in Rise tabs and accordians

Nov 08, 2017

Hi team

When adding images to Rise tabs and accordians they are automatically left aligned which is ok if the image is landscape and fills the space but if the image is smaller it doesn't look great. It would be good to have the option to centre images and also resize.  (Maybe I'm missing something?) 



83 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Angela,

Within those lesson types, the images are left aligned, and I know a few other users have shared their feedback on that as a feature request ( share yours with us right here. 😁 ). 

Although it wouldn't impact this set up, I did want to share our Rise best practices for working with images. Some good reminders about how the content will display based on responsive design. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Angela!

Images in the Tabs and Accordion blocks are left-aligned by default, but keep in mind the extra white space to the right of the image will vary depending on the device you're viewing the course on. To test it, click Preview, then select Mobile Portrait.


It sounds like you would like to see more options for customizing the alignment. I can definitely pass that idea along to the product team! Thanks for reaching out. 😀

Sarah Ah Loy

Hi team,

just to reinforce what others have already said - I too would like to be able to centre the images.  I can completely understand that where the images are located will change depending on the device being used - however if we were able to centre them in the space provided, then they would remain centred on all devices.  For the overall look of the modules, this would be a great benefit and would make a great future enhancement to Rise.

Donald Kerns

This has been on my long Rise wish list (C,9.) at 

But what we really need is access to the full HTML editor inside the Accordion so we can add what we need rather than being limited by Rise (e.g., add 2 or more images, fix nested lists, etc.)

I have stopped using the Accordion block because of its limitations, except in the simplest use case (where I don't need more than one image, formatting is minimal, etc.). 

Ros McNamee

Hi Holly,

If your images are coming up too small in the tabs, it's most likely because your images are too small. You need to have higher resolution images here for it to display properly. The higher the better. 

And a note to everyone regarding this:

My workaround has been to expand the image in question's width in Photoshop. White or transparent backgrounds will work, so long as the canvas's width is extended. Experiment with the sizes to get the one that's right for your image. 

Realistically this should be a feature. Several blocks could use it, not just the accordion block. Give the users more formatting power Articulate!