Centering images in Rise tabs and accordians

Nov 08, 2017

Hi team

When adding images to Rise tabs and accordians they are automatically left aligned which is ok if the image is landscape and fills the space but if the image is smaller it doesn't look great. It would be good to have the option to centre images and also resize.  (Maybe I'm missing something?) 



83 Replies
Meghan McKay

+1 for centering images. I've also put in a feature request for the same. 

I agree with an earlier comment, that it makes me (as a developer) look bad and that I haven't taken the time to center images, when really I don't have the ability too. 

I understand it looks different on different devices, but we only use desktop computers for our courses (and that's where/when it looks wonky being left aligned). 

Jeannie Sar

Hello all,

I don't believe this is an option (as of yet). An HTML editor would be AMAZING. 

I did a "hack" or a workaround for the tabs widget used. I edited my images to be 760 pixels wide and had my actual image in the center with a transparent background. This creates an illusion of white space around your image. This will make your image appear smaller in the tablet/mobile views but they will be centered on all devices (see attached image).

Hopefully, this helps for the time being!

Aidan Garvey

I really could do with the ability to center images in the Tabs. I use a lot of images in my courses and the workaround of editing each image with whitespace/transparency simply wastes time - for something (centering) that should really be available in a rapid development package! I loved Rise initially but it is starting to grind on me slightly now when basic editing options like this are not available. And as it is still probably not on the development roadmap (this thread is 2 years old) I think I will be moving away from developing in Rise for my next builds.

Britta Simon

This is something that would be great to have.

If you haven't tried already. If you crop the image by reducing its height so that the image is wider than it is in height, the image magically fills the space edge to edge.  Not ideal in every case but is a workaround I've found useful.

Crop Example in RISE