Changing Font Color

May 22, 2019

Hi I'm working in Rise in the text blocks and cannot ALWAYS get the font color to change.  I am able to change the Paragraph Header but not any text within the paragraph. I highlight the text, the box comes up to edit the color but when I click on the icon to change the color the box disappears. 

Other times I am successful and can enter the number I want in HEX format but the color doesn't change.  I have tried simply hitting entering after the inputting the color number or clicking ok, but sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  This whole issue is extremely frustrating!

I am using Chrome as my browser.    Please help!

28 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Mischelle,

I’m sorry that you’re having some trouble here, that sounds super frustrating! I just tried it out on my end and everything is working normally.

The quickest way to resolve this issue is to have our Support Team take a look. You can submit a case here.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

Sheila Y

I'm having the same problem changing the font color, specifically in image captions.

Once the text is selected, the formatting menu comes up. When you select things like bold, italic, etc., the text remains selected and you can see the changes.

But when you select the text color button, the selection disappears immediately so the color change doesn't work. I've been able to successfully change the color in some cases, but not all. See the attached video for a demo.

I also tried to copy and paste an existing caption, but that didn't work either--the color changed back to black as soon as I pasted.

I'm using Firefox.

Karl Muller

It happens to me periodically that the text formatting toolbar stops working correctly. 

Some functions will work but others not. The function that dies most frequently is changing the font color. 

The only way for me to get it working again, is to shut the browser down completely and then start again. That usually resolves the issue but it's a pain to do this.

I'm using Chrome.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Sheila!

Thanks for including the screen recording! When I change the font color of an image caption, I also see that the text highlight disappears. However, the text color still changes without any issues. Are you only seeing the issue in Firefox, or in other browsers as well?

You also mentioned copying/pasting image caption text. If you paste the text into another image caption, the color will return to black by default. 

Sheila Y

I haven't tried other browsers--I'm in the middle of a project where I have everything set up "just so," and haven't taken the time.

The problem seems to be intermittent (I know that's not really a thing when you're troubleshooting--there's ALWAYS a cause), because today I'm having some success with it. Sometimes I have better luck editing image captions on the Edit panel; other times, it works just fine to change the color on the main edit screen.

I'm not sure, but it's really frustrating--my project currently has a mix of image caption colors, and I need it to be consistent.

Alyssa Gomez

That does sound frustrating, Sheila! I'm sorry you keep dealing with this. We'll keep a close eye on this behavior, as well. If we notice any trends, we'll let you know! 

And if you'd like us to take a closer look at your course, we'd be glad to help. You can send us the Share link by clicking here. 

Sheila Y

After shutting down my computer for the weekend, I was able to go through my project and update the color everywhere I needed to. It seems Karl (comment above) had the right idea with shutting down the browser. I didn't want to do that last week because my window was in the exact position I needed to create screen shots. Thanks!

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Michele. It sounds like you're using the four column grid from the gallery blocks. Are you editing the caption text in the editing window? Here's what I see when I use Chrome:

The text doesn't show the formatting in the editing window, but I can see the changes in my lesson. Can you share a Peek 360 screencast of what you're seeing on your end? Thanks!

Karl Muller

Hi Milissa, 

You cannot change the font 'color' for the entire project. Great ide though.

What we have done is to create a Block Template (for each block type that we use in our courses) that is styled and formatted according to our company visual style sheet.

It takes the same time to insert a block from the Block Template library compared to using the regular block options.

Not only do you not have to redo the formatting for each new block, it also ensures that the work done by different team members is identical.