Co-Owners for Rise Courses

Jul 23, 2018

Hi all,

Is it possible to assign a co-owner to a course?

I'm interested in setting up Rise so that multiple team members can currently have permission to edit and export a course.





116 Replies
Courtney Smith

This would be hugely beneficial for all of the reasons already listed and also so that I could organize my Rise courses into folders, whether I am the "Owner" or not. As of right now my manager publishes to and maintains all of our content/LMS but we create the content together, passing the rights back and forth. Therefore, I have to view all of my courses in one pane since I may be the author, but am not the owner, which is becoming a bit overwhelming as we continue to add courses.

Martika Cox

Hi all,

We understand how important it is to simplify how training teams work together. It’s top of mind for us as we work on new Rise features.

We have a feature request logged for more shared access to Rise courses among teams and we’ll add your voice to the discussion.

Thank you for sharing your feedback. I’ll make sure it gets to our product team.