Convert into blocks

Oct 16, 2023

Hi all! I do not understand why inside the sample course on Rise360 (titled "Employee Health and Wellness (Sample Course)") there are some funcion that I do not find if I create a new course by myself!

I.e.: under the lessons menu, appears the tipe of lesson (timeline, process etc.); and again, if enter inside timline lesson, i find, on top, some round dots numbered, one for each part of the timline, and I read "convert to block".


4 Replies
Ana Cecilia Delgado

I cannot find the option to convert to a block a lesson as mentioned in article I would like to reuse an introductory lesson I've created to all my courses. I'm using copy to another course but convert to a block that lesson will be easier I think.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Ana, 

The Convert to block feature may only be available for older Rise 360 courses. We’ve made all the prebuilt lesson types available as blocks, removed the option to create new prebuilt lessons, and simplified the lesson selector, some of which are prerequisites to use the convert feature.

With that being said, the instructions from Step 2 should still work. You can go straight to creating a block template using the introductory lesson you created which you can then re-use on as many courses as you need.

Let me know if you have any questions!