Course completion

Mar 15, 2017

At what point does Rise communicate with LMS to indicate course completion.

Ive successfully exported as SCORM 1.2 and imported to Talent LMS (export based on QUIZ tracking 80% threshold)

Just feels like LMS is not talking to Rise or vice versa, any clarification appreciated. :)

13 Replies
Justin Grenier

Thanks for telling us about the problem, Ben.

Rise sends completion to the LMS as soon as the learner meets the completion requirement, be that by passing a quiz or by completing the required percentage of lesson content.  There are 2 ways you can troubleshoot this problem:

  1. You can upload your exported LMS content from Rise and upload it to SCORM Cloud for testing.  This is a great way to determine if the problem is specific to Talent LMS, and if the problem is reproducible in SCORM Cloud, we'd love to know about it!
  2. You can enable LMS Debug Mode and watch the communication flowing back and forth between your Rise course and your Learning Management System.

Either method will tell you more about what's happening here.  Please let us know how you make out!

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Daniel.  It sounds like your Rise course is not being marked complete in Talent LMS.  Is that correct?

Justin listed our primary troubleshooting techniques when courses are not performing properly in an LMS: 

  1. You can upload your exported LMS content from Rise to SCORM Cloud for testing.  This is a great way to determine if the problem is specific to Talent LMS.  If the problem is reproducible in SCORM Cloud as well, we'd love to know about it!
  2. You can enable LMS Debug Mode and watch the communication flowing between your Rise course and your Learning Management System.

If you're able to use those steps, let us know how you make out.  Of course, we're happy to help you.  You can give us the details here, and even attach the zipped output of your course for us to test.

Let me know what you think!

Kate Jurd

Im having a similar issue with BlackBoard LMS

Can you track a Rise course with the option 'track using course completion" 100% ie they have viewed all the blocks within the course. I have knowledge checks throughout the course, but these are for learning and are not graded.

In blackboard grading, do you select for grade score: 

Scorm score
Scorm completion

and then for grade timing:

1. When SCORM is completed, display score in Grade Center 


2.  When SCO is completed, display score in Grade Center:

David D

With Talent LMS, I believe the issue is if use the "embed" option for the Rise SCORM, it doesn't track. However, if you enable it to "pop up", it does work. I tried it both ways and got the pop-up version of Rise to work fine, both using a quiz score and then using a completion.

I like the look of the embed better, so maybe that's something they can fix.

Hope this helps.

Alyssa Gomez

Hello, Tiffany!

Thanks for sharing a copy of your course with me. I tested it in SCORM Cloud, an LMS testing tool, and the course was marked as Complete when I reached the end and exited the course. The course did not contain a quiz, so that's why the Passed data shows as 0%.

Please test your course in SCORM Cloud by clicking here, and let me know if you also see a Complete status when you reach the end. I'll be standing by! 

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