Courses not publishing to PDF

Oct 31, 2023

Hello, I have been unable to publish any of my courses to PDF at all today. I had no problems yesterday, but today, I am attempting to make answer keys, and after asking it to publish, the page just loads and loads, but never publishes and then says "something went wrong." I have tried this on multiple courses, tried duplicating courses and had other teammates try as well and none of us can publish to PDF. Is there a technical issue happening with that today?

17 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi folks! I'm sorry for the delay. We had an issue with PDF exports getting backed up on our side on November 1. We were able to clear out the queue, and PDF exports should be back to normal!

If you're having trouble exporting your course to PDF, please reach out to us here, and we'll see what's happening with your content!