Customizing Numbered Dividers

Jun 27, 2023

Some of my lessons in Rise have a series of multiple-choice questions after a few blocks of content. Before each question, I've inserted a Numbered Divider. When I add a new numbered divider, it continues to number it based on the last numbered divider - even though it was a few blocks above. It would sure be helpful if it would allow me to customize the numbers. Does anyone have a workaround for this?

21 Replies
Declan Randall

Wonderful - thank you so much!

Declan Randall | Training Program Coordinator | ETC Ltd.
Tel +44(0)208 896 1000 | Tel +44(0)208 752 8479 (D) | Tel +44(0)7443 804 458 (M) |
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Lee Millard

Phil, you just blew my mind about using the dev tools and then saving the custom blocks! I love custom blocks and didn't even think that saving a new custom block would save the custom styling too! Awesome! Thanks! I still hope that Articulate could just add a parameter in their numbered divider block for what number to start with.

Also, I saw that your WYSIWYG editor was glitching in your video. I have a support ticket in with support for this very same thing. It happens randomly, but consistently random if that makes sense. They have logged it as a bug.

Phil Foss

Thanks for the feedback Lee, it is good to document these sporadic issues so I'm glad I captured that plus the fix (refresh). And I think it falls into one of the two biggest bug/requests we see in Rise:

  1. Froala. This is the 3rd party software (text editor) that Rise uses. If its a Froala issue, Rise doesn't seem to fix or improve it. It's not their software, after all.
  2. Backwards compatibility. What happens tomorrow when a new feature is added to a block you added to a lesson 5years ago? Will it break? Not load? Some features that seem simple to add might be very difficult to safely add to the Rise codebase without corrupting old courses.
Steven Benassi

Hi Lee!

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! Sorry that you've run into this setback!

I see that you connected with my colleague Fannie May through your support case. She has this behavior logged as a software bug causing:

  • Text alignment and font size options are not working when editing a Heading Block in Rise 360.

We've linked your feedback to the bug report and will provide updates as soon as a fix is in place! In the meantime, as a workaround, we suggest:

  • If you have a Windows operating system, this behavior cannot be observed in Windows-based browsers.
  • If working on a Mac, please use a browser other than Safari.

Thank you for your patience! Sorry if this has been slowing you down!