Dark Mode?

Mar 28, 2019



I was wondering if there were any plans of adding a Dark Mode in SCORM. Dark Mode is becoming more and more popular since it's such a great relief of the eye strain from white, bright backgrounds. Since our SCORM are long courses, we believe our students would greatly benefit from this mode.


Thank you

25 Replies
Learning Leadership

Hi, is this being looked into? We currently have learners going into dark mode through google using Dark mode on Chrome using ://flags and it doesn't work as intended (see screen shot from a drag and drop). The only way we have found dark mode to work in the interim is if the learner has a Chrome extension called 'Dark Reader' however even then it isn't an ideal experience compared to a native setting in Rise.

  Drag and drop

Phil Foss

I've been able to achieve this with a custom theme. Matching quiz is a good example to bring up, as it required extra effort to support dark mode as well as RTL / Arabic properly. Here is a quick demo showing how the theme obeys the device preference to display dark or light mode. I've been documenting the design system that Rise uses, I don't think they'll be supporting dark mode anytime soon.

Deanna Whalen


We have also encountered a similar issue. This discussion thread started 4 years ago, but Articulate still does not seem to offer a Dark Mode for their programs. Is this something that is being looked into and will arrive soon? We use xAPI on Brightspace and our students could not click on any of the buttons to progress in their modules.