Did the change of references from "Tin Can" to "xAPI" cause my new xAPI course to no longer report properly?

Apr 08, 2022

Our LMS allows us to publish/upload courses as "Tin Can." I just completed creating and uploading a course developed in Rise 360 and exported as xAPI. I published it in our LMS using the "Tin Can" option. While testing, if you exit early and return to the course, it is bookmarked appropriately (you return to where you left), but none of the activities or pages you previously completed are marked as complete (no checkmarks appear in the left-side menu). The course completion percentage shows something like 2% even though you are in the middle of the course when you return. Did the change of references from "Tin Can" to "xAPI" cause my new xAPI course to no longer report properly?

4 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Gary. Our change in labeling only applies to the Rise 360 interface and our documentation. Nothing else changed with your course exports.

To compare, try loading your course into SCORM Cloud for testing. This article has some great advice about testing in that domain as well as debugging.

Of course we're here to help too! I see you have a case with my teammate, Phil. Continue working with him to make sure we get you a solution.